Biodesign for high schools

Explore all the possibilities that lie within science and design.


Biodesign for High Schools offers a methodological strategy that is based on Design Thinking to conceptualize projects in the field of biodesign. Biodesign introduces non-specialized audiences to cutting-edge biotechnologies so that teams can propose new solutions to contemporary challenges taking into account the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Our book won the 2021 Index Award for diseño responde in the education category.

This book was carefully thought out by an interdisciplinary team

that believes in the incredible talent of our newer generations to articulate ideas and create extraordinary projects, and that is precisely why its material is designed mainly for students. 

However, Biodesign for High Schools is also a formidable guide to help teachers mentor their students so that, together, they can design proposals in balance with nature and that respond to opportunities and challenges from diverse contexts and communities.

Recién salido del horno:

Degradé azul y verde con el nombre de concurso biodisena el futuro

¡Así fue nuestro concurso!

Maestros y estudiantes de distintas instituciones se atrevieron a re-imaginar el futuro con ayuda de la biología y el diseño

Degradé azul y verde con el nombre de concurso biodisena el futuro

¡Así fue nuestro concurso!

Maestros y estudiantes de distintas instituciones se atrevieron a re-imaginar el futuro con ayuda de la biología y el diseño

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